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Student Parents Resources
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Research & News
Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors
Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors (SPPAs) are student-parents whose job is to function as peer navigators for other student-parents to find resources, answer questions, and get customer support, as well as personal and social support, at Sacramento State.
Historically, SPPAs were volunteers who agreed to share their stories as Sac State students-with-children to help build the community, and serve as the voice of students-with-children to campus leaders. To read about our historic SPPAs, please view the Historical Student-Parent Ambassadors List.
Meet Our Current Student-Parent Peer Ambassadors
See their responsibilities and contact information below. Our email:
MA, Communications
- 1:1 advising
- Advocacy
- Village Building Initiative
BA, Sociology
- Pregnant Student Liaison
- 1:1 advising
- Student-Parents Scholars United
- Village Building Initiative
BS, Computer Science
- Dad's Collaborative
- 1:1 advising
- CalWorks Paperwork
BA, Sociology
- Childcare Grant Coordinator
- Student-Parent Scholars United
Program & Campus Resources
- Hornet Family Study Care - Childcare cost assistance for Pell-eligible Sac State Students. Grant 1 from 2018-2022 has ended. You may fill out the interest list here for the 2022-2026 Grant 2. We applied for funding from the U.S. Department of Education and will not know if we receive the grant until November 2022. If we are awarded and receive funding, and you are eligible, we will notify you in November 2022.
- Student Parent Orientation Video
- Newsletters - Sign up for the Parents & Families newsletter to stay up-to-date with the most recent news and updates.
- CalWorks Paperwork - Need a signature to verify enrollment at Sacramento State for CalWORKs? Drop of your paperwork at our front desk at Lassen 2205 for signature, and email director Haley Myers Dillon with your request, your needed turnaround time, and your student ID. Alternatively, you can make an appointment as well.
- The Women's Resource Center - supports the Sac State community by bringing awareness and understanding of the contributions, opportunities, and barriers facing women in our society in the past and present
- Sac State Basic Needs Initiative - Sacramento State helps students get food and emergency funds. Learn more about our Basic Needs Initiative, including the ASI Food Pantry and Pop-Up Pantry, CalFresh Sac State, and the Emergency Fund program.
- ASI Children's Center - on campus child care programming that works to support Sac State students with Children
- Pregnant and Parenting Student Rights - are the rights that protect expecting students and students with children from discrimination or misconduct at Sacramento State.
- Childcare Options for Student-Parents - location-based childcare services and resources around the Sacramento area.
- Financial Wellness - Visit this website for budgeting and other useful information.
- Student Parents at CSU Sacramento - Briefing on 2017-2018 Sac State Student-Parents, services provided, and other resources.
- "Listening to Students: Student-Parents" - Donna Knifong, a lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies, conducted numerous surveys over the last several years, asking students about their college experience. This survey’s respondents are student-parents at Sacramento State.
In the Community
- 211 Sacramento - Assistance for accessing city services including but not limited to affordable housing.
- Chicks in Crisis - An Elk Grove nonprofit group that provides free diapers, formula, children's clothing, maternity clothing, car seats, and children's furniture to students in need. The mission of the organization is to help support students-with-children to stay in school. (Parents & Families Program can verify your enrollment for these services.)
- Child Action - Helps Sacramento county residents find and pay for childcare. This subsidy can be combined with the Parents & Families Program CCAMPIS/Hornet Family Study Care grant. Sac State students, call (916) 361-0511 to get started.
- June Care - An alternative to childcare that allows you to find affordable babysitters in your neighborhood or nearby for short-term childcare needs. It also allows you to sign up as a babysitter. Learn more at or listen to our conversation with June Care. Open to everyone.
- Sacramento Crisis Nursery - Two locations offer temporary, emergency childcare for children ages newborn through 5 years old. We recommend you sign up for eligibility before you anticipate needing the service.
- WIC - Parents & Families partners with Community Resource Project to improve our mother's rooms on campus and offer information brochures on the Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program. Find a WIC Clinic near you here.